

Allelopathic chemicals refer to compounds released by some organisms (plants/fungi/bacteria) that inhibit the growth of competing organisms. In the slow battle between lichen and moss, lichen deploys such mechanisms to inhibit the growth of nearby moss and slowly gain territory. Foliose (leaflike) lichens will also grow over their competitor to starve it of light.

Lichen is a composite organism, composed of a fungus, algae, and sometimes a cyanobacteria working together in symbiosis to survive, while also extending the ecological range of the component species. The fungus provides a structure for the algae to grow in while being protected from the harsh sun, it also retains moisture better and donates micronutrients. The algae in exchange donates most of its photosynthetic product, and if there is a cyanobacteria partner present it will aid the algae by fixing additional atmospheric nitrogen.

Focus stack of 66 images.

Full image size 4555 x 3644 pixels.

Actual size 7.5mm wide x 6mm tall.